Timetable and Fares

Sunday Trains

Vintage trains operate to the following timetable on every Sunday of the year, except Christmas day or special events.

Please note: For travellers to Passing Clouds, please advise the ticket office at Daylesford station prior to boarding the train.


Holiday Special Sunday Trains

Vintage trains operate to the following timetable on Sunday 29 December 2024 and Sunday 26 January 2025.

Please note: For travellers to Passing Clouds, please advise the ticket office at Daylesford station prior to boarding the train.


Holiday Trains

Vintage trains operate to the following timetable on Wednesdays and Saturdays of School Holidays, plus selected Long Weekend Saturdays.


Fares and Travel Information

Booking prior to 8:45am on the day of travel is recommended to secure a ticket on your preferred train, however remaining tickets are available from the booking office in Dayelsford Station up until the departure time of each train.

Companion Cards are accepted

We are a dog friendly railway

Click Here for more information regarding online booking

Trains will not operate on days declared as Code Red fire danger.




